List of All Plays
The world on stage: real struggles of real people.
Plays about international human rights and women’s rights.
Learning from the experience, learning from the message.
Are there people who would come to church, or be more involved with the church if you offered a drama program? With the use of five minute plays to engage a new audience through performance?
Drama is a life long activity and study. Drama is a way to create new relations in a new forum.
Are you frustrated with an effort to produce one act plays? Are you looking for more bite sized plays?
Are you interested in starting your own drama program? Contact Delvyn for help and suggestions on how to create your own program. With the experience of starting drama programs in two major churches, Delvyn has the resources to help your organization.
To see a synopsis of each play including play summary, casting and running time, please click the title of the play you are interested in.
The stars on each play indicate the number of times it has been previously produced.
Everyone Makes A Mistake
The wife of an ISIS fighter in Syria prepares to be re-patriated to Germany
Wisdom From A Wise Man
(Cast: 1 M Time: 5-10 min. Theme: Joseph’s story of Christmas) All plays are licensed using the guidelines set with the Dramatists Guild of America. For professional theatres with seating capacity of over 100 seats, please contact Delvyn Case for licensing and pricing of the production in accordance with the Dramatists Guild of America.
Joseph’s tells the story of his amazing journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem (Cast: 1 M Time: 5-10 min. Theme: Joseph’s story of Christmas) All plays are licensed using the guidelines set with the Dramatists Guild of America. For professional theatres with seating capacity of over 100 seats, please contact Delvyn Case for licensing and pricing of the production in accordance with the Dramatists Guild of America.
The Joy of Christmas
A discouraged woman can’t see the joy in Christmas (Cast: 1 M 1 F Time: 5-10 min. Theme: Meaning of Christmas) All plays are licensed using the guidelines set with the Dramatists Guild of America. For professional theatres with seating capacity of over 100 seats, please contact Delvyn Case for licensing and pricing of the production in accordance with the Dramatists Guild of America.
Rosa Parks: Mother of The Civil Rights Movement
Rosa Parks is arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus for white people
(key words: Civil rights movement, Rosa Parks)
Hannah works with Wilberforce to end slavery in Great Britain.
“The Wise Stratagem of Katharina Luther” * (2017)
Luther’s Wife offers wise counsel as he struggles with the awesome issues of the Reformation(Cast: 1 M 1F Time: 5 min. Theme: Reformation) All plays are licensed using the guidelines set with the Dramatists Guild of America. For professional theatres with seating capacity of over 100 seats, please contact Delvyn Case for licensing and pricing of the production in accordance with the Dramatists Guild of America.