In reviewing my assignment to list some favorite characters and the results of their motivation for their actions, I realized that their consequences were directly related to their CHARACTER. And who had a lot to say about that in 500 B.C.? Heraclitus of Ephesus, a famous Greek philosopher of that time who denied blind fate determined destiny.
I’ve looked at my list of Favorite Characters, their Motivations, and Consequences. Interesting results I thought! Then I considered what Heraclitus would say about the outcomes of their actions: CHARACTER CONTROLS DESTINY. Not bad for 500 B.C. that we can relate to carefully crafted characters over the last 400 years and what happens to them.
Character Motivation Consequences
Hamlet Revenge Successful (but he dies)
King Lear Retire well Failure
Antonio Validate his Anti-Semitism Failure
Richard III Become king Temporary success
C. Mayon (“The Play…”) A place in the community Failure
Willy Loman Success in business Failure
A. Solieri Beat Mozart in music Failure
Salome Seduce John the Baptist Failure
George Gibbs(“Our…’) Find love Success
Albert (“Warhorse”) Find his horse Success
“Our Town” was the big role for me as a teenager and demonstrated to me the power of Theatre. I returned to “Our Town” as an example of great writing as I began to write.