To see a synopsis of each play including play summary, casting and running time, please click the title of the play you are interested in.

The stars on each play indicate the number of times it has been previously produced.

When using any music during the dramatization of a song, the rights for that piece must be acquired before usage. Please follow the guidelines for music rights usage as outlined by The Dramatists' Guild of America



Costume Development for Alban – First Martyr of Britain

August 02, 2016 by admin in Play Writing, Productions, staging 0 comments
In a couple of weeks, I'll be contacting the Costume Designers at First Presbyterian Church in Bonita Springs, Florida, to develop costumes for the two characters in my play ALBAN--FIRST MARTYR OF BRITAIN to be produced at the church for the Sunday service on November 13, 2016. Thinking about the upcoming production made me recall the inspiration for the play--reading a pamphlet about the namesake of the cathedral in an ancient Roman town while we were traveling in England. I realized the STORY was DRAMATIC, and started thinking how it could be presented on stage. Before we left for home, I had the first draft written. As playwrights, we need to LISTEN, LOOK, and READ about what's going on around us. There are PLAYS out there! ALBAN-FIRST MARTYR OF BRITAIN is available for your church on my website. It'll make a great 5-minute presentation of early church history for your service. Need help with Drama at your church? CONTACT ME!

SOMETHING BLUE at the Maine Playwrights Festival

May 09, 2016 by admin in Productions 0 comments
SOMETHING BLUE opened Wednesday May 4, 2016 at the Maine Playwrights Festival and ran for 5 performances closing on Saturday May 7 with two performances.  Maha Jaber (as DALIA) and Neilabe Habibzai (as ASMAA), two young talented actresses in the Portland area, were terrific in their roles transporting the audience to Gaza to watch an engaged woman struggling with pressing obstacles preventing her from marrying her finance who lives in the West
Bank.  Al D'Andrea did a masterful job in directing the cast in this love story.  Here are scenes from my intense one-act play:[gallery columns="4" link="file" ids="1865,1866,1867,1868,1869,1870,1871,1872,1873,1874,1875,1876"]

DRESS FOR SUCCESS at the Northport One-Act Play Festival

April 21, 2016 by admin in Productions 0 comments
DRESS FOR SUCCESS was performed on 04/15/16 and 04/16/16 in New York at the Northport One-Act Play Festival.  The play that dramatized the story of an Egyptian woman who dressed as a man so she could work outside the home to support her family starred O. Cohen, A. Wharton, and M. Mentzel, three very talented New York-based actors.  The play was very well received.  A testimony of the effectiveness of the acting was that the audience did not realize that one of characters was actually a woman until it was revealed at the end of the play! [gallery link="file" ids="1851,1852,1853"]

New play: Saint Columba: Missionary to Scotland

January 18, 2016 by admin in Productions 0 comments
My new 5-minute play SAINT COLUMBA: MISSIONARY TO SCOTLAND will easily fit into your busy church service, enriching your congregation with an important event in early church history.  Set in 565 A.D., Columba has left Ireland to bring the gospel to Scotland.  He is summoned to appear before the King because his preaching of the Gospel has offended the Druid priests, by denying the role of chance, charms, and astrology.  The King eventually converts to Christianity with an amazing impact upon the treatment of war victims and women in  Scotland--at a very early date in history.  SAINT COLMUMBA: MISSIONARY TO SCOTLAND is available on my website (  It requires a cast of 2 men, minimal set, and a couple of 6th century-type robes.  A sword would be good for the KIng.

The “Production” Year in Review

December 28, 2015 by admin in Productions 0 comments
Here is a listing of all the plays produced this year. 2015 was productive! 02/07/15  “The King Of All Kings” (Great Banquet) First Presbyterian Church, Bonita Springs,Florida Wendi Owens  Delvyn C. Case, Jr. 02/15/15 “Valentine's Day, 269 A.D." First Presbyterian Church, Bonita Springs, Florida Jerry Weisenauer, Christie Shore 03/15/15 “Saint Patrick, 440 A.D. " First Presbyterian Church, Bonita Springs, Florida Charley Nevaril, Jerry Terry 03/05/15 - 03/08/15 “Nyaring” Restaurant Week (Portland, Maine) (AUDIENCE CHOICE AWARD) 04/02/15 “One Man, One Table” First Presbyterian Church, Bonita Springs, Florida Charley Nevaril 04/18/15  “What'd You Do On...” Northport One-Act Play Festival, N.Y. 05/17/15 “Three Pees” Maine Playwrights Festival—24 Hour Portland Theater Festival (BEST PLAY) 05/18/15 “Market Day” Snowlion Rep Co—Staged Reading Portland, Maine 05/18/15 “Something Blue” Snowlion Rep Co—Staged Reading Portland, Maine 06/04/15 “Scattered Ashes” Crowbait Club—Staged Reading Portland, Maine 09/03/15 -09/05/15  “The King Of All Kings” King of Crows III/Long Live the King, St. Lawrence Theater, Portland, Maine 09/10/15 “Dress For Success” Snowlion Rep Co—Staged Reading Portland, Maine 09/10/15 “Dressed To Kill” Snowlion Rep Co—Staged Reading Portland, Maine 09/10/15 “Make Up” Snowlion Rep Co—Staged Reading Portland, Maine 09/21/15 “Dress For Success” Northport Readers Theater—Reading Northport, N.Y. 09/21/15 “Dressed To Kill” Northport Readers Theater—Reading Northport, N.Y. 10/07/15 “Dressed To Kill” Crowbait Club, Portland, Maine—Staged Reading 11/08/15 “Scattered Ashes” First Prebyterian Church, Bonita Springs, Florida Charley Nevaril, Jerry Terry 12/13/15 “The Writing of 'I Heard...'” First Presbyterian Church, Bonita Springs, Florida Jerry Weisnauer, Wendi Owens, Christie Shore 12/24/15 “The Tale Of The Inn...” First Presbyterian Church, Bonita Springs,Florida Judy Devine 12/24/15 “The Tale Of The Inn...” First Lutheran Church, Portland, Maine Judith Wagner 12/24/15 “The Nativity” Colonial Oaks Baptist Church, Sarasota, Florida


December 28, 2015 by admin in Productions 0 comments
Julie Wagner starred in our production of my play THE TALE OF THE INNKEEPER'S WIFE at the First Lutheran Church, Portland, Maine Christmas Eve 2015. The short 5 minute play thoroughly engaged the children who were encouraged to come sit around the manger, and listen and watch the Innkeeper's wife describe what just happened in the stable and why. Besides a manger, one actress is required with a Biblical costume. And some candy canes in a basket to give to the children. That's it! It's time to plan for next Christmas Eve! To order the play, click here. The children in your congregation will learn much about Christmas in a thoughtful yet entertaining way. [gallery columns="2" size="medium" ids="1802,1803"]


December 21, 2015 by admin in Play Writing, Productions 0 comments
As I was preparing to direct my one-act play THE WRITING OF “I HEARD THE BELLS ON CHRISTMAS DAY” for a performance at the First Presbyterian Church in Bonita Springs, Florida on December 13, 2105, I re-read the lyrics of the carol and was awestruck how the words were as appropriate today as when they were written in 1863 during the Civil War:  “And in despair I bowed my head. 'There is no peace on earth,' I said.  'For hate is strong and mocks the song of peace on earth, good will to men.'”  Isn't that the situation today, especially with the refugee crisis and wars going on?  Great art, no matter what medium, transcends the day it was written.  “I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day” as one example of great art has lasted because it speaks today's issues—issues that are each generations' issues.

SCATTERED ASHES production in Florida

November 30, 2015 by admin in Productions 0 comments
Can you imagine two gravediggers dramatizing an important event in the history of the early Reformation and Bible translation?  in my play SCATTERED ASHES, Charley Nevaril and Jerry Terry, two terrific actors, played the roles of these unsavory characters in 1425 digging up the bones of John Wycliffe who had translated the Bible into English.  They riff about how this will stop the dissemination of Bibles in England in the production that took place at the First Presbyterian Church in Bonita Springs, Florida on November 8, 2015.  With laughter from the audience/congregation at Charley scratching his back with a bone or forgetting the skull, the audience/congregation learned a number of important truths about this time in Church history.  Several of the scenes from the production are depicted here.  A video of the production will be available soon.  SCATTERED ASHES is available on my website and is available for a production at YOUR church.  Make the congregation laugh—make them learn.  Incidentally, 200 years later Wycliffe’s banned English language translation of the Bible became the basis of the King James Version of the Bible. [gallery link="file" ids="1758,1759,1760,1761,1762,1763"]  

Photos from Snowlion Repertory Company’s Playlab: Sept 10

September 14, 2015 by admin in Productions 0 comments
Below are photos from Dressed to Kill and Make Up, performed at Snowlion Repertory Company's Playlab on Sept 10. [gallery columns="4" link="file" size="medium" ids="1652,1653,1654,1655"]