New play: Saint Columba: Missionary to Scotland

January 18, 2016 by in Productions

My new 5-minute play SAINT COLUMBA: MISSIONARY TO SCOTLAND will easily fit into your busy church service, enriching your congregation with an important event in early church history.  Set in 565 A.D., Columba has left Ireland to bring the gospel to Scotland.  He is summoned to appear before the King because his preaching of the Gospel has offended the Druid priests, by denying the role of chance, charms, and astrology.  The King eventually converts to Christianity with an amazing impact upon the treatment of war victims and women in  Scotland–at a very early date in history.  SAINT COLMUMBA: MISSIONARY TO SCOTLAND is available on my website (  It requires a cast of 2 men, minimal set, and a couple of 6th century-type robes.  A sword would be good for the KIng.

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