To see a synopsis of each play including play summary, casting and running time, please click the title of the play you are interested in.

The stars on each play indicate the number of times it has been previously produced.

When using any music during the dramatization of a song, the rights for that piece must be acquired before usage. Please follow the guidelines for music rights usage as outlined by The Dramatists' Guild of America



Production of St Columba from January 2017

January 30, 2017 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments

YOU KNOW ABOUT SAINT PATRICK.  DO YOU KNOW ABOUT SAINT COLUMBA?  Yes, Saint Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland.  Did you know that Saint Columba, 100 years after Patrick, brought Christianity to Scotland?  My play SAINT COLUMBA: MISSIONARY TO SCOTLAND was produced during the church services on January 29, 2017 at the First Presbyterian Church in Bonita Springs, Florida.  Starring expertly in the two roles were Greg Gerstler and Charley Nevaril.  My play dramatizes how Columba was summoned to speak before the king of Scotland because Columba’s preaching AND singing offended the pagan priests.  Your congregation will learn much of Church history if you produce my play.  SAINT COLUMBA: MISSIONARY TO SCOTLAND is available here: , and is ready for you to produce.  The play is only 6 minutes long and easy to fit into your church service.  The video of the production will be posted soon on youtube for your viewing.

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Give the Girl a Break!

September 26, 2016 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments GIVE A GIRL A BREAK!  Liesl is dead, at least the actress who played the oldest daughter of the von Trapp family in the movie version of "The Sound of Music."  Discovered by the famous director Robert Wise, Charmian Carr was casted in the movie in released in 1965 that is one of the most commercially successful movies of all time and winner of 13 Academy Awards.  But success and happiness did not follow for Charmian. What support did she get from her family and loved ones?  Her bitter mother complained, "Charmian hasn't any talent.  She's just lucky."  Her husband said he "didn't want an actress for a wife."  Charmiani was not able to follow her dreams and develop her talent.  IT CONTINUES!  What happens to Christiana, the main character in my one-act play SOMETIMES, HOPE, when she returns to her village in Nigeria with a child having been abducted and raped by Boko Haram terrorists?  How is she accepted by her family and what is her future?  IT'S STILL HARD FOR GIRLS!  My play SOMETIMES, HOPE is available on my website ( for your theater.


August 12, 2016 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
Playwrights always have to be LISTENING. Something you hear may be something for a play or something to put in a play. Not only do you have to listen, but you also need a great memory or better yet a NOTEBOOK. I heard on the radio about the middle-east that the interviewee noticed that a woman's hair was not covered. I thought how that would be very obvious to someone traveling to Europe from his home in the middle-east. I wrote it down and then included the line in my one-act play TWO COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN about Egyptian boys seeking refuge in italy and what they would see there. TWO COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN is available for production by your theatre. LISTEN well and have a NOTEBOOK.

“Smart People” Don’t Write Such Plays

February 28, 2016 by admin in Play Writing, Uncategorized 0 comments
Would you be happy to have the phrase “contrivance alert” dotting a review of your play? If that doesn't bother you, how about “the script is stuffed with academic and psychiatric jargon”? Or “the characters often seem to be mere receptacles for the ideas they espouse rather than fully fleshed-out people”? These and other comments grace a review in The New York Times (2/12/16) of the play “Smart People.” Aren't we suppose to write plays that SHOW people struggling not TELL their struggles? I need to consider this review each time I sit at the computer to write a play, or what I write could become “a marathon series of seminars, not a persuasively drawn drama.”

Performances of SETTING A PRISONER FREE at First Presbyterian Church

February 01, 2016 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
My play SETTING A PRISONER FREE had 3 performances at First Presbyterian Church, Bonita Springs, Florida from 1/30/16 to 1/31/16.  Starring in the roles were three veteran actors:  Charley Nevaril as Henry Balfour, a prisoner on a French galleon; Christian Faux as John Knox, the Scottish reformer and fellow prisoner on the ship; and Jerry Terry as Louis Roux, a French officer in charge of the galley slaves.  The play, well received by the audience of over 2500, provided an introduction to the pastor’s sermon on the importance of John Knox in the Protestant Reformation and the history of Scotland and democracy.  SETTING A PRISONER FREE with revisions based upon this production is available on my website ( for your church for an exciting presentation of an important figure and event in Christian history.
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January 11, 2016 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
My new 8-minute play JOHN KNOX WITHERSPOON: CLERIC AND PATRIOT is new available for your production of a minister who had a profound impact upon the American Revolution through his preaching and engagement in public life.  Witherspoon was the only minister and president of a college (Princeton University) who signed the Declaration of Independence!  Engage your congregation with this important historical play about putting one's faith into action in dealing with freedom and tyranny.  JOHN KNOW WITHERSPOON: CLERIC AND PATRIOT is now offered on my website (  Among other plays I've written about Christian history, please consider for production:

THE WRITING OF “I HEARD THE BELLS ON CHRISTMAS DAY”, performed at the First Presbyterian Church in Bonita Springs

December 21, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments

My play THE WRITING OF "I HEARD THE BELLS ON CHRISTMAS DAY"  was performed at the First Presbyterian Church in Bonita Springs, Florida on December 13, 2015.  Jerry Weisenauer,  Wendi Owens, and Christie Shore were marvelous in their roles before a congregation audience of 1500 in a play about Longfellow struggling to write a Christmas carol during the Civil War.  Congratulations also go to Donna Ament and Jeannette Vogt for their excellent Civil War-era costumes and Nancy Gum for the authentic set.

IMG_2401 IMG_2395


December 07, 2015 by admin in directing, lighting, Production Advice, staging, Uncategorized 0 comments
In a New York Times review (11/12/15) of a New York production, the reviewer makes this very illuminating comment, “Ms Lloyd's “Henry IV” is, among other things, a celebration of the metamophic wonder of live stage acting, and of the distinctive insights it affords as we watch people transform themselves into others.” From the play "Scattered Ashes", performed in Bonita Springs, FLIsn't that the truth? A play starts with a text, but that is only the beginning. It's then the actors with their interpretation of the text, along with their movements and emotions that propel the work into THEATRE. But it's not only that. As director, I also see others involved in a production make the play a wonder. Watch the set designers. Witness the excitement in their faces they put together the staging, as in the recent production of my play SCATTERED ASHES in Florida. The set designers built right in the church an open grave and a graveyard, that made a wonderful contribution to the production! 2015-11-07 09.19.03An open grave with a skull on top right on stage! THE EXCITEMENT OF THEATRE! What about costumes? In our production the costume designers transformed two actors arriving for rehearal in tee shirts and jeans into 14th century grave diggers. What MAGIC! And makeup. The actors had to look like they had already dug a few graves before they reached John Knox's grave to finish their jobs. Lighting? An important key to any production. Over the years ofdirecting my plays in Portland, Maine, the lighting technician in charge of the spot had some of the best comments and criticisms that really fueled the finished production. Don't forget sound. Most of large spaces like a sanctuary in a big church need amplification. Sound is key. If you don't hear the lines... WONDER in theatre is live stage acting but also the COLLABORATION of all involved in a production. So when the audience looks and listens, they experience THEATRE.

From the Portland Press Herald: Reflections: Man looks at the outside, but the Lord looks at the heart

November 15, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments


November 09, 2015 by admin in directing, Production Advice, timing, Uncategorized 0 comments
While rehearsing my play SCATTERED ASHES in Florida in November 2015, one of the two actors was having difficulty memorizing his lines and actions especially when the other actor would miss a line or change a line. The first actor could not remember where he was—on the page and on the stage. A problem actors (particularly new actors) have is trying to memorize their lines and actions before they know how the play is developing. KNOW THE STORY AND THE LINES WILL COME. If an actor first reads the play and understands where the dialogue and action are going, it is much easier to learn the lines. In this way the lines and actions are absorbed organically and character can be developed in the rehearsal process. And if the actor does not understand where the play is going and how a line or action fits, ask the director and/or the playwright. There maybe be some logic behind the line or action that the actor does not understand, or maybe the line needs to be changed or deleted! Another example of this principal also occurred during the rehearsals of SCATTERED ASHES in Bonita Springs. It became obvious to both actors and all others at the rehearsal that a line was best said by a different actor than originally written for. Why? KNOWING THE STORY. The other actor had prior lines that build up to this particular line: “Almost forgot a big one!” This line referred to leaving John Wycliffe's skull on top of his grave that was dug up. Want to know more? SCATTERED ASHES is available on my website. KNOWING THE STORY worked during the rehearsals of SCATTERED ASHES, and the production benefited from it!

New Video from Northport Readings: Dressed to Kill and Dress for Success

October 26, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
A new video has been uploaded, which is from the readings done at Northport Theatre on September 21, 2015. The two plays that were read are Dressed to Kill and Dress for Success, both available for download in the plays section.


October 14, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
DRESSED TO KILL had a staged reading at the Crowbait Club on October 7, 2015.  The cast included Anna Conathan as Lami and Peter Karasopoulos as Mohammed.  The play depicts the dressing of a wife in a suicide vest by her husband. [gallery columns="4" link="file" ids="1715,1716,1717,1718"]


October 05, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
To dramatize the crisis of Syrian refugees, I have written LIFE JACKET (Our free download), a play about a woman traveling by inflatable raft from Turkey to Greece to seek asylum. The play revolves around the purchase of a life jacket. Subsequently I saw in The New York Times a photo of a merchant standing in front of his men's store. In one window were mannequins dressed in suits, white shirts, and ties. In the other window were mannequins dressed in life jackets and jeans. I pondered how people try to live their lives as normally as possible even during times of great stress or struggle. As a result I have written BUSINESS AS USUAL, a poignant piece of a young couple from Syria coping with the mundane things of life as they prepare to begin a dangerous voyage across the sea to Greece from Turkey.

DRESS FOR SUCCESS and DRESSED TO KILL Read in New York at the Northport Reader’s Theater, September 21, 2015

September 30, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
Two of my one-act plays were read in New York at the Northport Reader's Theater last week. The video of the readings will seen be available soon. Both plays had been previously revised based upon readings at the playlab of the Snowlion Rep Co as well as comments of my tutor at the University of Oxford this summer. Yet more could be done! The comments in New York were very gracious and constructive. I reviewed both DRESS FOR SUCCESS and DRESSED TO KILL after the readings in New York and realized that I could explore the characters more and their relationships with each other. Having the opportunity to present one's work in a number of different settings provides input that can have major impact on developing a play for the stage. Watch the video (coming soon)  of the readings of DRESS FOR SUCCESS and DRESSED TO KILL and then the newly revised versions on my website to see how much dramatic each play has become. [gallery columns="2" link="file" size="medium" ids="1678,1677"]


September 09, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
From the Article in the "Epistle", the newsletter of the First Presyterian Church of Bonita Springs, September-October 2015: Screen Shot 2015-09-09 at 8.41.01 AMLast season, Director of Sacred Arts Jeff Faux initiated a drama program at First Church, led by award-winning playwright Dr. Delvyn C. Case Jr. Delvyn developed the Drama Ministry at the First Baptist Church in Portland, Maine and served as its director for 20 years. “The Drama Ministry at FPC is based upon the following principle,” Delvyn explained, “its purpose in corporate worship is to glorify God by depicting His story in the lives of His people. Our goal here is to glorify God through our work on stage… and backstage.” He said that last September the drama ministry with an organizational meeting attended by an eager group of actors and technical crew. The first production took place on Reformation Sunday in October — “Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms: Day of Decision,” with Jerry Weisenauer, Nancy Janek and Charley Nevaril as Martin Luther. This five-minute drama was well-received, as were successive productions, including one on February 15, “Valentine’s Day 269 A.D.” “Members of the congregation each received a Valentine card with a Christian symbol and explanation on it, Delvyn recalled. “They represented those given to St. Valentine when he was imprisoned in Rome. The first Valentine cards!” Screen Shot 2015-09-09 at 8.40.54 AMWith Jerry Weisenauer as Valentine and Christie Shore as Priscilla, children from FPC also took part in the production. They handed cards to Valentine on stage as the children did in a Roman prison in the third century. Delvyn hopes to continue to involve our children as well as our youth in the Drama Ministry this coming season. Next was a production of “The King of All Kings” during the men's weekend of the Great Banquet. This play depicted Elvis receiving a Grammy Award for gospel music and his testimony of Christian faith. In March, “St. Patrick 440 A.D.” with Jerry Terry and Charley Nevaril taught the congregation learned how Patrick used the shamrock to teach the people of Ireland about the Trinity. The season ended with the Maundy Thursday production of “One Man, One Table,” a one-man play depicted Judas returning to the site of the Last Supper. “We are developing an energetic fellowship of talented individuals to serve the church through drama,” Delvyn said. “We are open to new people stepping forward to try their talents on stage or backstage in the areas of acting, staging, set design, costumes and make-up.” Plans for the upcoming season include a play on John Wycliffe in November and one about the writing ofan American Christmas carol for December. Additional plays are being developed based on the Pastor’s sermons and Holy Week. “We would love for more individuals to step forward and get involved,” Delvyn added. “The commitment usually requires only a few hours during the days before each performance and is lots of fun to work together!”  

Photos from King of Crows featuring King of All Kings

September 09, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
Here are photos from the King of Crows performance of King of All Kings Sept. 3-5 2015. Announcer played by Bridgette Kelly, Elvis played by Adam Ferguson. [gallery columns="4" link="file" ids="1634,1635,1636,1637,1638,1639,1640,1641,1642"]

From The Portland Press Herald – Reflections: In times of stress, turn to prayer and let God handle things

August 31, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
Here is a recent column in the Portland Press Herald. An excerpt from the column: "God can handle the stress and let you get on with your life." Danny said he probably felt like many of the 14.5 million cancer survivors alive in the United States today. Anxious and alone. Though 25 years had past since the diagnosis and treatment of his cancer, Danny did not have even have a doctor to give him check-ups. According to his memory, his original hematologist had discharged him after 10 years, and he had been followed by his general practitioner since – but not specifically for his leukemia. That diagnosis was not mentioned during his regular exams, though a day hardly went by that he did not think about it. Danny called it the “terror of survival.” After his GP retired, Danny called my office for an appointment because he felt someone should be looking at him once in a while. He wanted to talk. To read the rest of the article, click here.

Elvis’ Three Grammy Awards

August 03, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
34182410_m (1)Elvis received 14 Grammy Award nominations for his recordings of pop, country, and gospel music. Yet he received only 3 Grammy Awards. All 3 were for gospel music. Why? All three were given later in his career when he was struggling with many personal and professional demons. In his white jump-suit opened all the way down to his navel, he looked like a caricature of himself. His public appearances became erratic in the '70's. He even left the stage in Baltimore in 1977 during an embarrassing performance. What was it about his gospel music that was real even to a secular group of musicians voting for the Grammy Awards? His gospel songs were about his Christian faith. Despite his struggles, the light of his faith was trying to shine. How are we doing? Does our faith shine despite our struggles. Do others—not just Christians—see our faith through what we do and say? Elvis always claimed gospel music was his favorite kind of music—through that kind of music, the authentic Elvis was visible.

From the Portland Press Herald – Reflections: Sick or not, stay in the zone

July 20, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
Here is a recent column in the Portland Press Herald titled “Sick or not, stay in the zone”. An excerpt from the column: "Righteous living, as well as believing, is important to your well-being." The first thing Jack and his wife did after leaving my office was to go to their church and put Jack’s name on the prayer list. Jack knew he could not handle the diagnosis of leukemia and the chemotherapy without the support of his church family. He had already learned too much today and more was coming tomorrow, when Jack was to be admitted to the hospital for three to four weeks (“minimum”) of intensive treatment. Jack also knew he might not come out of the hospital alive. Therefore Jack and his wife would need all the resources their church could provide beginning with prayer: “Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord” (James 5: 14). To read the full article, click here.  

Scattered Ashes

June 10, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
The cast of SCATTERED ASHES doing a staged reading of my Christian history play at the Crowbait Club Wednesday 6/3/15. These gravediggers in 1425 are digging up the bones of John Wycliffe, then burning them, and scattering the ashes over the Thames River. In that way the Reformation will not spread and the Bible will not be translated into English! SCATTERED ASHES is a featured play on my website and available for your church for Reformation Sunday. Cast: Cullen T.M. McGough and Adam Ferguson [gallery link="file" ids="1577,1578,1579"]


June 08, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
The video of my play WHAT'D YOU DO ON SUMMER VACATION? produced in New York at the Northport Theatre in April is now available here on Facebook as well as on Youtube, and my website and blog.  Imagine a young girl of 14 not wanting to go on a family vacation.  What kind of school essay will she not be writing in the fall if she does not return to the village of her ancestors in Somalia?  What would keep her from going on a lovely trip she has looked forward to for a whole year?    The answers to these (and other questions) will unfold as you watch WHAT'D YOU DO ON SUMMER VACATION?

Does Staging Keep You from Having Drama at Your Church?

June 08, 2015 by admin in Production Advice, Uncategorized 0 comments
Have you considered having a Drama Ministry at your church, but are concerned that staging may be impossible on your altar/platform? Will the set of a play interfere with worship with the rest of the service? Will the set make it impossible for the choir/orchestra/pastor to move around after a five-minute play is completed? Little staging is all that is needed in most dramatic plays and should not be a barrier to producing a play during your church service. Watch the video of my play MARTIN LUTHER AT THE DIET OF WORMS: DAY OF DECISION produced at First Presbyterian Church in Bonita Springs, Florida. Only a table and chair are required. Add white and red linen coverings on the table along with a candlestick and several books, and you have the setting of the great turning point of the Reformation. Watch the video to see that this set does not impact the seating of the choir, the altar with candles, or the pastor sitting off to the side of the drama. The set was easily and quickly removed after the play was concluded. For SAINT VALENTINE'S DAY 269 A.D.: THE END OF THE BEGINNING only a small stool is needed to evoke the prison setting in Rome. No set pieces are needed to delevelop the confrontation of Patrick and an Irish king in SAINT PATRICK 440 A.D.: MISSIONARY TO IRELAND. In each production it is the script that makes the difference. If the written words and the actions of the actors are powerful, there is little need for elaborate or complicated staging. If you have a great script, you won't have to worry about the staging! Watch the videos of each of these plays to learn how easily your church can be transformed to another place and another time with little effort—and then be brought back to the present in 10 seconds or less.

Timing on Comedy

June 08, 2015 by admin in Production Advice, Uncategorized 0 comments
There's a theatre axiom that timing in comedy is everything. Even if timing is not EVERYTHING, it's an awful lot! So when you write and direct comedy, be aware of the comedic lines of the script and BE CAREFUL. Watch the video of my play THREE PEES produced at the 24-Hour Theater Project of the Maine Playwrights Festival in May 2015. Listen for the laugh lines. Did the audience laugh after each funny line? There were many laughs! Are there times the audience missed a humorous line and why? Remember timing. The playwright should share his idea of what lines are intended to be funny with the actors and director early in the rehearsal process. The actors and director should then test those lines on the stage. If possible have some audience later in rehearsal to help with timing and speaking. Lines that follow a laugh should be held until the laughter (if there is any) subsides. The actor should not continue to speak until the laughing stops. Otherwise the next funny line may not be heard and the next laugh missed.

Video – Saint Patrick 440 A.D.: Missionary To Ireland

May 31, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments

Three Pees – 24-Hour Portland Theater Project MPF’ 15 PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD Winner

May 25, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
[gallery ids="1535,1536,1537,1538,1539,1540,1541"] BEST PLAY! My play THREE PEES won the People's Choice/Best Play Award at the 2015 Maine Playwrights Festival/24 Hour Theater Project on May 17, 2015. Written as a riff on playwriting festivals, three characters in a play help the playwright redirect his play with “their” suggestions. The rehearsal pictures show how much fun the actors were having with the piece. The video will have you laughing with each line. THREE PEES makes fun of everything including the playwright (me). You can order on my website a reading copy or production copy with performing rights. If you can imagine a short play with Tom Brady and North Korea in it, you are imagining THREE PEES.

Three Pees: Maine Playwrights Festival/24 Hour Theater Project

May 25, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments

Nyaring by Delvyn Case Jr: Performed at The Maine Dish, March 4, 2015

May 25, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments

MARKET DAY and SOMETHING BLUE at the Snowlion Rep Co

May 19, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
My two ten-minute plays MARKET DAY and SOMETHING BLUE received staged readings at the Snowlion Rep Co play lab last night in Portland, Maine. MARKET DAY depicts the human trafficking of captured girl age 12 in the middle east. SOMETHING BLUE depicts a young woman in Gaza, engaged to a man in the West Bank, who has not able to be united with her fiance for three years. One of my most satisfying moments during the evening was when one of the actors remarked that though the plays were set in very specific locations, they concerned universal issues and could have taken play anywhere. The women in the audience were particularly shocked at the treatment of the woman in MARKET DAY by male traders in an ISIS-held area. All in the audience sympathized with the woman in SOMETHING BLUE who could not be united with her loved one because three governments (Gaza, Israel, and the West Bank) do not consider marriage as a “humanitarian” issue. The woman is left with ironing her wedding gown daily—keeping it ready for her marriage “some day.” Both plays are available for Reading and Production on my website.

Update on what is going on in Maine

May 11, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
Let me update you on what is going on in Maine: Maine Restaurant Week ran the first two weeks of March. The Snowlion Repertory Company was commissioned to produce an evening of short plays. The only stipulation to the 12 playwrights was that each play would be about food. What a feast! There were 6 sold-out performances of this very entertaining program the first week of March in Portland. My play was "Nyaring." The Crowbait Club meets every first Wednesday of the month. A theme is picked and playwrights bring 10 minute plays to the meeting. A cast is picked from the audience. Two minutes is given to each playwright to "direct" the play, and the play is given a staged reading. The best play of each month is selected for the yearly "King of Crows" production during which each play is fully produced. The theme for May is "Death." Hoping my play "Scattered Ashes" will be picked. The Maine Playwrights Festival (produced by Acorn Theater) is occurring in May. Selected plays will have a full production. At the end of the weekend, the "24 Hour Theater Project" happens. Playwrights are provided with a sentence of dialogue, a prop, and a location, and write a play over night Saturday. The casts have all day Sunday to rehearse. The plays are put on Sunday evening. What fun! I'll be one of the playwrights. The Snowlion Repertory Company has a monthly playlab. Selected play have a staged reading followed by a discussion of the plays by the other playwrights, cast, and directors in the playlab. In May my one-act plays "Market Day" and "Something Blue" will be staged.

From The Portland Press Herald – Reflections: We are not alone in our distress

May 05, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized 0 comments
3662763_sHere is a recent column in the Portland Press Herald titled "God is revealed to those who seek Him.". An excerpt from the column: "When Hannah left my office that fateful day, it was as sunny as when she entered it. “It should’ve been raining,” she lamented at her next appointment. “But there wasn’t even one cloud in the sky!” Hannah felt a gentle summer breeze as she reached her car. It infuriated her. “There should’ve been a hurricane for what I’m gonna go through!” People in the parking lot walked by Hannah without acknowledging her. “No one was crying. No one was even looking at me,” Hannah sighed. “It was like nothing had happened.” Hannah continued, “I was told I had cancer! I was scared. I was alone. Why didn’t anyone in the world know what was happening to me?”" Click this link to read the rest.