YOU KNOW ABOUT SAINT PATRICK. DO YOU KNOW ABOUT SAINT COLUMBA? Yes, Saint Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland. Did you know that Saint Columba, 100 years after Patrick, brought Christianity to Scotland? My play SAINT COLUMBA: MISSIONARY TO SCOTLAND was produced during the church services on January 29, 2017 at the First Presbyterian Church in Bonita Springs, Florida. Starring expertly in the two roles were Greg Gerstler and Charley Nevaril. My play dramatizes how Columba was summoned to speak before the king of Scotland because Columba’s preaching AND singing offended the pagan priests. Your congregation will learn much of Church history if you produce my play. SAINT COLUMBA: MISSIONARY TO SCOTLAND is available here: , and is ready for you to produce. The play is only 6 minutes long and easy to fit into your church service. The video of the production will be posted soon on youtube for your viewing.
[gallery link="file" ids="1966,1967,1968"]To see a synopsis of each play including play summary, casting and running time, please click the title of the play you are interested in.
The stars on each play indicate the number of times it has been previously produced.
When using any music during the dramatization of a song, the rights for that piece must be acquired before usage. Please follow the guidelines for music rights usage as outlined by The Dramatists' Guild of America
Production of St Columba from January 2017
January 30, 2017
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Give the Girl a Break!
September 26, 2016
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GIVE A GIRL A BREAK! Liesl is dead, at least the actress who played the oldest daughter of the von Trapp family in the movie version of "The Sound of Music." Discovered by the famous director Robert Wise, Charmian Carr was casted in the movie in released in 1965 that is one of the most commercially successful movies of all time and winner of 13 Academy Awards. But success and happiness did not follow for Charmian. What support did she get from her family and loved ones? Her bitter mother complained, "Charmian hasn't any talent. She's just lucky." Her husband said he "didn't want an actress for a wife." Charmiani was not able to follow her dreams and develop her talent. IT CONTINUES! What happens to Christiana, the main character in my one-act play SOMETIMES, HOPE, when she returns to her village in Nigeria with a child having been abducted and raped by Boko Haram terrorists? How is she accepted by her family and what is her future? IT'S STILL HARD FOR GIRLS! My play SOMETIMES, HOPE is available on my website ( for your theater.
August 12, 2016
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Playwrights always have to be LISTENING. Something you hear may be something for a play or something to put in a play. Not only do you have to listen, but you also need a great memory or better yet a NOTEBOOK. I heard on the radio about the middle-east that the interviewee noticed that a woman's hair was not covered. I thought how that would be very obvious to someone traveling to Europe from his home in the middle-east. I wrote it down and then included the line in my one-act play TWO COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN about Egyptian boys seeking refuge in italy and what they would see there. TWO COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN is available for production by your theatre. LISTEN well and have a NOTEBOOK.
“Smart People” Don’t Write Such Plays
February 28, 2016
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in Play Writing, Uncategorized
Would you be happy to have the phrase “contrivance alert” dotting a review of your play? If that doesn't bother you, how about “the script is stuffed with academic and psychiatric jargon”? Or “the characters often seem to be mere receptacles for the ideas they espouse rather than fully fleshed-out people”? These and other comments grace a review in The New York Times (2/12/16) of the play “Smart People.”
Aren't we suppose to write plays that SHOW people struggling not TELL their struggles? I need to consider this review each time I sit at the computer to write a play, or what I write could become “a marathon series of seminars, not a persuasively drawn drama.”
Performances of SETTING A PRISONER FREE at First Presbyterian Church
February 01, 2016
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My play SETTING A PRISONER FREE had 3 performances at First Presbyterian Church, Bonita Springs, Florida from 1/30/16 to 1/31/16. Starring in the roles were three veteran actors: Charley Nevaril as Henry Balfour, a prisoner on a French galleon; Christian Faux as John Knox, the Scottish reformer and fellow prisoner on the ship; and Jerry Terry as Louis Roux, a French officer in charge of the galley slaves. The play, well received by the audience of over 2500, provided an introduction to the pastor’s sermon on the importance of John Knox in the Protestant Reformation and the history of Scotland and democracy. SETTING A PRISONER FREE with revisions based upon this production is available on my website ( for your church for an exciting presentation of an important figure and event in Christian history.
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January 11, 2016
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My new 8-minute play JOHN KNOX WITHERSPOON: CLERIC AND PATRIOT is new available for your production of a minister who had a profound impact upon the American Revolution through his preaching and engagement in public life. Witherspoon was the only minister and president of a college (Princeton University) who signed the Declaration of Independence! Engage your congregation with this important historical play about putting one's faith into action in dealing with freedom and tyranny. JOHN KNOW WITHERSPOON: CLERIC AND PATRIOT is now offered on my website ( Among other plays I've written about Christian history, please consider for production:
THE WRITING OF “I HEARD THE BELLS ON CHRISTMAS DAY”, performed at the First Presbyterian Church in Bonita Springs
December 21, 2015
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My play THE WRITING OF "I HEARD THE BELLS ON CHRISTMAS DAY" was performed at the First Presbyterian Church in Bonita Springs, Florida on December 13, 2015. Jerry Weisenauer, Wendi Owens, and Christie Shore were marvelous in their roles before a congregation audience of 1500 in a play about Longfellow struggling to write a Christmas carol during the Civil War. Congratulations also go to Donna Ament and Jeannette Vogt for their excellent Civil War-era costumes and Nancy Gum for the authentic set.
My play THE WRITING OF "I HEARD THE BELLS ON CHRISTMAS DAY" was performed at the First Presbyterian Church in Bonita Springs, Florida on December 13, 2015. Jerry Weisenauer, Wendi Owens, and Christie Shore were marvelous in their roles before a congregation audience of 1500 in a play about Longfellow struggling to write a Christmas carol during the Civil War. Congratulations also go to Donna Ament and Jeannette Vogt for their excellent Civil War-era costumes and Nancy Gum for the authentic set.